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Teaching Notes

The Power of Faith (Pt.1) – Prophet Dwayne Howard

Jesus is in the midst of the lampstands, Jesus is in the midst of our church (Revelations 1:13). His glory will cover the earth as the water cover the sea and this glory is over us (Habakkuk 2:14).

In Haggai 2:6, it says that God will shake everything that can be shaken. There are wolves within the church of God. Let us make sure that we ourselves are not the wolves that tear people to pieces.

We must shake off every devil in hell that would want to bring guilt and shame. There is one who binds the binder and there is one who oppresses the oppressor.

Don’t be like Elijah’s servant who could not see but open your eyes and be satisfied with bread. Place your eyes upon the things of God! Don’t be pushed into a corner because this is the season to keep fighting even though we may be wounded. Don’t let the enemy stop your praise. The Kingdom of God suffers violence but the violent take it by force. Don’t be religious and pathetic; don’t hang on the hangman’s noose. God wants to deliver you and use you.

“I was in Scotland on a tour and in one of the places I visited, there were various acts being performed for the tourist. An Asian guy began to give an awesome acrobatic display from a high place then suddenly, the most amazing thing happened, he stopped in the midst of his routine and shouted the name of Jesus loudly. There was complete silence in that place for about two minutes. It was incredible! There was complete silence, as though everything and everyone came to a standstill at the name of Jesus”.

The name of Jesus is powerful. At the name of Jesus, demons and kings tremble. The shakers and movers of this world, the rich and powerful will tremble.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

We are the salt and the light. We are salt pitchers and we must go out and sprinkle the salt. We are called to be bold and to be people who influence change. We already have the power to effect change. We have the living God on the inside who has given us power and authority. Understanding and holy expectation must be on the inside.

There are two things that we must operate with. They are faith’s foundation and faith’s fruition.

Faith’s Foundation
Faith is the substance and the evidence of God’s promises (Hebrews 11:1). He is not slack concerning His promises because with Him, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). In Romans 10:17, it says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Take your eyes off yourself and place them upon Jesus. Mary said “let it be unto me according to Your word” in Luke 1:38. It was not the logos that Mary responded to but she responded to the rhema word, the inspired word.

Rhema is a word from the Word in a kairos time. Faith works with the word, not works. All Mary had to do was to say yes. Say yes! The rhema word tested Joseph but he still said yes. It is not about our works but about His works. It’s not about us but about God. It’s about our willingness and our posture.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, let His light shine upon you so that when God looks upon you, He sees Jesus. Moses too had to be found in Jesus, he was placed in Jesus, the Rock. Faith’s foundation is not in our works but in the heart of those who say yes to the rhema word (Hebrews 11:1- 40).

Faith’s Fruition
Through faith, a good testimony is produced (Hebrews 11:2). When we say yes to Jesus, we begin to develop a good testimony and a track record. The things that you have done and have been delivered from are a good testimony. Let integrity be your hallmark! Before we have done anything, all of heaven rejoices when we say yes. The angels rejoiced when Mary said yes.

You see the scars but you also see the victory that had been wrought in Christ Jesus, the One who always leads us into triumphant victory.

It is not the men who are the heroes but Jesus. See Jesus only, don’t look at men and compare yourselves, see Jesus and yearn to be like Him. Don’t be lost in envies and jealousies.

When we step into the rhema of faith, revelation and understanding are released (Hebrews 11:3). When Asaph set his eyes on Jesus, faith grew and revelation came (Psalms 77:11-20). We must see the big picture. Lord, open our eyes that we may see the big picture! We will ride with him, as He rides forth (Revelations 19). We must occupy until He comes. We must keep our lamps filled. We must not be foolish but wise.

Abel’s sacrifice still speaks though being dead (Hebrews 11:4). Our altars and sacrifices are important to God. We can’t out love or out serve God. It’s because of His love for us that we love Him.

Enoch had a testimony that pleased God (Hebrews 11:5). When we please God, we get caught up in fellowship with God like Enoch. Abraham saw God because his eyes were opened unveiled (Genesis 18:1-33). He prepared refreshments and begged the three men to stay. These three men were the trinity. At their appearing, he said yes and God’s secrets were revealed to him.

By saying yes, we begin to diligently seek God and we are given the unction to function just as Noah was.

Let us all endeavour to please God by faith. It is the substance of our hope and the evidence of what we do not yet see with our natural eyes.