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Teaching Notes

The Father’s Heart – Kevin Campbell

God loves you and God wants you, even as there are some of you here who cannot relate to an earthly father’s love. Psalms 2 is an action thriller with a plot. There are four dimensions in which you can look at this psalm, but we will look at three: it was attributed to David and the coronation of the king; it is also attributed to Christ and His rule on the earth and it can also be looked at in relation to how it applies to us.

Looking at it in the second example or dimension, we see the people saying that they want their freedom. This is paralleled in Acts 4:25-27 where the people gathered together against God and the Anointed One as they attempted to break ties with Jesus. Imagine how hurt Jesus would have felt! The psalm says that God looked upon them and laughed. In verse six of Psalm 2, God made it clear that the matter was already settled when He said: “yet I have set My King on His holy hill.”

As people of God we have to declare who we are and whose we are. There is a big difference between your function and your identity; you are not what you do. Jesus is King, Judge and Teacher but He knows His identity, He is the Son. More than what we do and more than what we have, is our identity. Relationship is what differentiates us from what we do and who we are. Indeed, our relationship with Christ determines who we are. God does not reject us, but if we look for people to affirm us and they reject us, then we feel spurned.

Psalms 2:8, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.” The Father is not stingy. Fathers, give good gifts to your children. If you give your sons really good gifts, they have no choice but to expect a lot more from God. You model it for them when you give them gifts. God gives you as fathers, the model that you can follow: be present, affirm your children’s identity and give them good gifts. As sons and daughters of the King, it has been established in the heavens who we are. So when your enemies are plotting and planning, remember Romans 8: If God is for you, who can be against you? When you are anointed though, expect the heathen to rage.

Romans 8 also asks us if God so freely gave us Jesus, will He not also give us all things? It is not weak to pray, so fathers, teach your children how to pray. God said to ask and He will give us the nations.