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The Law of the Universe : The Lesser Revolves Around the Greater – Apostle Alvin Nicholson

God works in opposites. If it is cold, He sends fire, so if there are challenges in your life right now, receive the blessings of God. The specific reason why God created us was to host His presence and to release it so that His presence though us could impact everything around us.

In Revelations 4:8, the presence of God causes the angels to be captivated and to worship Him. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and He told them “Come Your Kingdom, let what takes place in heaven, take place on earth.” It therefore shows that everything revolves around the presence of God. There is much trouble in the earth because most of what takes place on earth does not revolve around God’s Kingdom.

With the planets, the lesser revolves around the greater where a gravitational pull exists. The universe was made to revolve around God. When it does not, things do not go very well. Wherever there is God’s presence, His face is also there. The Bible speaks of a cloud hiding God’s face. It was not meant to be like that. In the Garden of Eden, He was Adam’s covering or cloud, but once Adam fell, the man realized that he was naked, for God’s covering had been removed. God then went on a mission to reconcile Man to Him. In Exodus 33, God rebuked the Israelites but Moses entreated Him, telling Him that if He did not accompany them on the journey, he would not go on. It is God’s presence that makes the difference because His presence changes anything, anytime, anywhere. We owe the world an encounter with God and a blessed life.

After His baptism in Luke 3, Jesus was praying and the heavens were opened. Whenever the heavens open, God shows up. Jesus was full of the Spirit seen in Luke 4:1-2. Realizing that God’s Spirit was on Him, Jesus was determined to live His life to glorify and please His Father. The question is why would Jesus, full of the Spirit, be led into a desert? The answer is that the second Adam, like the first one, had to be tested in order to win Man back. He came to change the world, entering the personal space of people to effect change in their personal lives as He did with the hated tax collector Zacchaeus. Jesus told him that He wanted to have dinner at his house, much to the dismay of the scribes and the Pharisees.

In Ephesians 5:1, it says be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children. To do this, you have to be in the right orbit, you must carry God’s presence in your human frame. You cannot do any and every thing that you want because every waking moment of your life, you are hosting the presence of God.

What is your greatest purpose on the earth? Is it to see the earth changed by the power of the living God flowing out of you? The Lord wants to cleanse you and to remove all pride from you. When He does this, He can endow you with power and strength. When Jesus called the twelve disciples together, He gave them power and authority (Luke 9:1). God wants to use the young people to bless and impact this nation.

In Matthew 16:19, Jesus tells Peter that He is going to give him the keys to the Kingdom. He appeared to the disciples in the upper room after they had locked the door in fear. Whoever has the key, has access to the wealth of the King and the Kingdom. You therefore have access to all of heaven’s resources and you determine who gets to see the King.