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Teaching Notes

The Coming War; You Must Prosper – Apostle Ofodile Nzimero

(November 24th, 2013)

In our current times, wealth and wisdom should be used as a defense.

Eccles. 7: 9-12 Wisdom helps you to keep your inheritance.

Isa. 8: 12 Do not allow the downturn of the economy to affect you. Do not join the naysayers in a confederacy to be fearful. Fear God alone, not man, for He is Lord over all. There is a due order in heaven where we can qualify for his glory. Ask God to give you wisdom on how to prosper.

Gen.1:1-12 God opened the windows of Heaven. Ask God to open the windows of Heaven to you. He will do so if you honour him with your gifts and tithes. To keep the heavens open to you, you should pay your tithes- Mal. 3: 6-10. Do not do as the world does and hold back your offerings to God because of the economy. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and watch your barns overflow with wealth. Your tithe is an instrument of warfare, Prov. 3:9. Your first fruits are also an instrument. They honour God and tell Him that He is your source. They make you wise and Ezek. 44:30; they bring the full blessings on you.

Until Abraham offered up Isaac, everything was a promise. Your first-fruits activate fulfillment.

Josh. 6:19 Be diligent in your first-fruits. Your first-fruits secure your inheritance. The first-fruits are your increase of any thing you earn.

The first fruits and offerings are important for receiving from God. We should respect this due process of God Mal. 1: 1-14.