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Teaching Notes

Passion 4 Jesus Convention : Jesus, The Warrior Priest – Allen Hood

27th April 2014 – Evening Session

Psalms 110 is about the rule of the Messiah from His glory. The first three verses are about the work of Jesus as a result of the cross. The last three verses are about His second coming. He stands and crushes the rule of darkness. The verses in the middle are about how God rules. If one would quote verse 1, no one would recognize you.

When Jesus taught the disciples about Himself, He taught them from Moses. David saw the incarnation of the Messiah. David remembered the seed from Genesis which would crush the serpent’s head. From Abraham, we understood that the seed would come forth. People were searching from whose lineage the Messiah would come from until David appeared.

In verse one, it says the Lord said to my Lord not to my servant. How could God call David’s great great great grandson, Lord? David was wondering how could God talk to God who is His great great great grandson. God is the God of the living and not of the dead. How could Jesus be David’s son and also His God?

David is looking in and realizes that only Adonai, Jesus can receive. God is going to talk to His Son about presence and proximity.

Jesus is not going back as the pre-existent Son but as the risen Son. When 1/3 of angels fell, God did nothing but when humanity fell, He became a man and saved all of those who cried out. Jesus knows us intimately but yet still He took on our frame. We don’t know who we are. We were made from earth but filled with the glory of heaven. Do you know what your glorified body will do one day? It is not about religion. Jesus atoned for the sins of the whole world.

Jesus rose from the dead in a glorified body. Jesus came and paid the price that we could not pay. He who rose Christ from the dead will also raise us from the dead. Jesus is a man but He is God. How did He do it? He is God and He can do anything He wants.

There is one throne and God sits upon it and the Lamb (Revelations 22:1). There is not more than one throne. The Father is committed to exalting His Son above every other thing. There is going to be mandatory obedience to Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Every demon will have to bow down to Jesus and say that He is Lord.

Jesus gave up His life for love and He wants deep partnership and love with you.

In John 6, Jesus declares that He is the Bread of heaven. Do we know who we worship? Do you know who you have surrendered your life to?

Jesus rules through intercession on the throne (Psalms 110:2, Hebrews 7:25). The mystery of intercession is that God tells us what to say and we tell it back to Him. You don’t have to have a good voice to pray. When we close our eyes, we have access to the King, the creator of the universe and we ask Him for the nations. The reason why God releases His power through intercession is so that we would fall in love with Him.

Do you have a view of God that you can sit in His lap and talk to Him? He wants you to be close to Him so that when He releases His power, it wouldn’t destroy us but encourage us.

Jesus will rule the universe through intercession because it is a family. If you want to tackle mountains, you have to rule like He rules and that is through intercession. Intimacy and dominion is what God combines on the throne. We were made for love and He made us to rule through love.

The choice is upon the whole earth to rule on the throne as a priest.