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Teaching Notes

A Call To Return To God’s Highway – Prophet Dwayne Howard


In the current climate of our culture, there is a sweeping wave of delusion that seeks to deeply deceive the masses in the church, producing believers who live below their dimension of glory given in Christ Jesus. Easily deceived and unstable, man’s approval and reception means more than God’s, and so the striving is to fit in and not stand out. Relationship with Christ is merely imagined but not initiated, and the eyes that were created to be satisfied in the Light of His Presence, are duped by the lust of this world. The journey for soulish affirmation, acceptance, camaraderie, pretense love, and earthly gain shroud and inhibit what truly awakens the heart of man, and what was made a holy life for great exploits, now stands compromised by great exploitation. Jer 6:16 (the ancient paths) | Jer 50:6 (mountain for hills) | Jer 18:15 (left highway)

The more we progress towards the end of this present age, the more we will see great distinction between two types of men. These are called the cursed and the blessed, the wheat and the tares, the wolf and the sheep. It is the great divide that is coming to the Bride, and the sword is in the hand of the Bridegroom (2 Thes 2:3, Matthew 10:34). As God was speaking to Israel in addressing the crisis they found themselves in, so is God speaking to us the church today.


KEY SCRIPTURE:- Jeremiah 17:5-13

Speaking through Jeremiah, God puts before our eyes four critical points of contrast between the man who trusts in men as opposed to the man who trusts in the LORD.

HIS INCLINATION: What you are inclined to, shall define you

Cursed (to be bound up) is the man who trusts in man (adam:- mankind, natural-created man, A “DAM”), and makes flesh his strength (shoulder to lean upon). Whose heart departs (turns aside, retreats, shrinks back) from the LORD.

At various points in Israel’s history, the Lord warns His people about placing their trust in anything besides him. He refers to such action as idolatry.

Isaiah 31:1, 30:2-3 – Do not trust in Egypt (the world system)

Blessed (filled with strength, praised, full) is the man (not ish but geber:- warrior, strong man, possessing potential to act as man) whose trust is in the LORD (bataha:- throws oneself down upon the face), and whose hope is the LORD.

There is no grey area here. It is either your hope is the LORD, or it isn’t. It cannot be mixed or married with idolatry or worship to mammon.

Exodus 32:- We must be careful of building golden calves while we wait on God. Jehovah cannot be substituted. The people felt Moses was taking too long and they went ahead and did their own thing. Isaiah 40 promises that those who weight on God will mount up with wings as eagles.

HIS NUTRITION: Your nutrition will determine your disposition

For he shall be like a shrub in the desert.

The actual word shrub in the hebrew refers to a destitute and stripped bush. Not only does God refer to the man as being in this condition, but describes him as being in a place that lacks sustenance for life. This is condition is called BARRENNESS.

The man is destitute and stripped because there is no true resource to satisfy the soul in the desert (world). What we feed our spirits with is vitally important to us being fruitful in the Kingdom.

Refer to message “When EYE see, I die!” Share testimony of Scandal watcher and how God provided a way of escape for her.

For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river.

Rev 22:1:- Speaks of the river which flows from the throne of God and the Lamb, feeding the tree of life and flowing through the streets of the great city. This represents the abundant, eternal, ever sufficient, self sustained resources of God. The waters also speak of the Rhema Word of God (Ephesians 5:26). This is the word brought alive by the Spirit of God to our spirits. It represents present truth and flowing in relevance of heaven. Not just searching the scriptures, but the scriptures coming alive and searching you.

Psalm 46:4:- There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy place where the Most High dwells. Instead of barrenness, those who are planted by the waters get gladness.

Ezekiel 47:9-12. When my roots are in the river, I have possession of resurrection life, healed relationships and restored businesses (vrs 9), a gap for my gift and position for my provision (vrs 10), first class resources and benefits, choices/options/various doors of blessing (vrs 12), sustainability, consistency, being a blessing and a possessor of healing, both for me and for others.

HIS POSITION: Your position will either restrict or reveal your visitation

He shall not see when good comes

The man who not does not realign his position will miss his hour of visitation.

Luke 19:37-44:- When we choose not to trust God but put our reliance for success in man and the world, we become blinded to our hour of visitation, never reaping the benefits.

Ezekiel 47:12:- They will bear fruit every month because their water flows from the sanctuary……. So many forsake their commitment to Christ and His Church seeking success by their own means. Get connected in the church and be a faithful steward.

He will not fear when heat comes; but his leaf will be green

Psalm 91 is the portion of those who are planted in Christ.

No matter what pressure, economic disaster, storm or circumstance shows it head, you shall conquer them all. When the heat of the enemy comes to dry up your resources, because you are plugged into the RIVER THAT NEVER RUNS DRY (Amos 5:24), what was arranged to work against you will work for you. Like a plant undergoing photosynthesis, you will synthesize the heat that the enemy is bringing against you into fuel for your benefit. Your leaf will be full of healing and life.

HIS FRUITION: Your level of fruition is always based on your application of revelation

He shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited

The River will not visit his place of abode, but rather it will be given over to salt, as a sign of desolation – Ez 47:11

Zeph 2:9 – He shall be desolate like Sodom and Gomorrah, and a spirit of plunder will be released over his life.

Jer 17:11,13 – His riches shall not be sustained but leave him in the middle of his life, he shall be brought to shame and left without a legacy.

He will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit

He will sleep without anxiety and worry, fully confident in God.

In everything he puts his hands to do he will be fruitful. He will be the head and not the tail, bringing forth much fruit to the Father’s pleasure (John 15).

Isaiah 61:3 – He shall be the planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendor.