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Teaching Notes

Walking In Purpose – Anderson Rice

It is the hope of God’s calling and not ours (Ephesians 1:15-18). Do we have any idea what is God’s inheritance in us? What is it that Jesus sees in us that He went to such depths to save us? Humanism is an allurement into self-worship. When it is at its best, it does not come close to revealing the true worth of the human spirit. Do you know that your spirit has infinite worth?

Jesus left everything He had in heaven to climb on a cross so that we could be united with Him forever (Matthew 13:44). What is your worth in the eyes of God that made Him go to such depths? We have been created in the image of God. When God looks at us, He sees something glorious. There is something that moves deep in the heart of God. We are infinitely valuable to God.

We are kings and priests unto our God forever. To know God, we have to go deep into our relationship with Him. We were made for God. We are made to be like Him and to walk the earth as kings. By our very presence, we can shift atmospheres.

Man has a three dimensional call.
1) We have an internal call. This is our primary call in life. It is about being a lover of God and conforming to His image. The will of God for our lives is to look just like Jesus (Romans 12:2). It is about having humility, fasting and praying. It is not about the size of our bank account or our ministry.

2) We have an external call. This refers to our position in the marketplace, in school and in any organization. It is usually what most people focus on in life. In Jeremiah 1, God gave Jeremiah an external call. He was called to function as a prophet in the earth. The external call is dynamic which means that it is continually changing. You move from school to the workplace and from one workplace to another. The external call is the least important call in your life. We should not want to derive our destiny from a call. We are worth more than what we can do for others.

3) We have an eternal call. This refers to our call and function in the age to come. There is an age that is coming that is going to be much more glorious than this present age. This will have the greatest impact. Jesus is coming back as a king and He will take over every government (Revelations 20:1-11). We will be ruling with Christ. Our life cannot be defined by our successes or our failures. How we live in this life will determine how we live in eternity (2 Corinthians 5:10). Our life today is the trial ground for what we will do in the age to come. It will be determined by how we carry our heart.

Some may look at their lives and say that they are not the cutest or the smartest and that no one is noticing them but we must stay faithful to God. When you stand before God, you will be shining like the sun. God is going to judge us on what we have been given. We are living for another age, an age that cannot be measured by time. Our life is just but a vapour. What are we truly living for? If we are focussing on what we can do, we will have emptiness in our hearts. We have to find our purpose in God.

Chapters 5-7 of the book of Matthew may be what we are measured by in the age to come.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3

Being poor in spirit has nothing to do with being poor in your pockets. It refers to us acknowledging our serious dilemma of needing a breakthrough in our heart. It is us being solely dependent on God. How dependent are we on God? If you want to be blessed, give yourself to God. If you want it all, give yourself to Jesus.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Mourning is where you go after the breakthrough. It is where you contend for the breakthrough. You can mourn or fast your food, money and time. There are so many distractions that are fighting for our time and our attention.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Being hungry means embracing costly righteousness. It means blessing those who curse us. The slightest movements of our heart move the heart of God.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7

Being merciful means treating those with tenderness that fail us. God treats us with mercy. God sees our weaknesses and He is touched with our infirmities. Are we merciful to those who are subject to us?

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

Being pure in heart means purifying our thoughts and motives. There is a strong connection between our thoughts and our spirit. What are you thinking about? It is in the realm of our thought life that we become closer to who God is. Wherever our thoughts go, we will follow. When we are pure in heart, we shall see God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

Being a peacemaker, it is when we really get to manifest our kingship. It is the anointing to bring peace to that which is out of God’s will. It is bringing restoration to relationships, healing to bodies and the giving of finances.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10

Enduring persecution is part of the counterattack for plundering Satan’s kingdom. We must learn to endure persecution with great patience and joy.