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Teaching Notes

The Power of Grace (Pt.3) – Apostle Stephen Holford

 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

We are saved by grace through faith and not by the requirements of the law (Exodus 20). The law was there to show man his need for a saviour (Romans 7:7). It brought the awareness of sin, yet it did not have the capacity to remove sin. Paul calls the law, the ministry of death and the ministry of condemnation (2 Corinthians 3:7-9). We were found guilty under the law and subject to death. The law arouses a person to sin (Romans 7:5).

It was the duty of the law to bring penalties for transgression, yet it was released with glory. As glorious as it was, without Christ it could not remove sin nor the penalty of death. If we are in Christ, our sins are removed and we have become new creations. We now have died to sin. As born again believers, we are no longer under the law but we are led by the Spirit. We should no longer be doing the work of the law. The burden and the yoke of the law has been removed, we are no longer subject to the written codes. It is no longer our schoolmaster. The law was unable to show us and empower us how to live holy lives.

We are set free by the Spirit of God. We are under grace and led by love. Our efforts could not save us, only the grace of God though Jesus Christ. Don’t resort to works, it does not move God. He is not moved by works or manipulation. Under the law of love, we are not blessed according to our own efforts but by God’s love and favour.

God does not condone sin but under grace, our sins are forgiven by the death of His Son. He hates sin but He looked beyond our weaknesses and He looked to Jesus who paid the price for our sin. He is now our advocate before the Father ever interceding on our behalf.

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7

We are cleansed from sins of ignorance. We are not saved to be repenting and asking for forgiveness every day. We should not pray longer, harder or do good deeds just to move God. We have to go to God in anticipation not manipulation. Do not move from grace to religion. Jesus died so that all of our needs would be met. We don’t have to beg. There is nothing wrong with prayer, good deeds or fasting but it must be done through faith and expectation. Accept the free gift of grace. Don’t borrow from the law to live by grace, it is impossible. Live by the Spirit.

When you fast you don’t have to spend time repenting of your sins at the start of every fast, God has already forgiven you and has cast them into the sea of forgetfulness. If you do anything wrong, quickly ask God for forgiveness and move on. He may ask you to repent on behalf of a nation or community but that is different. God does not have a spirit of condemnation but of conviction. If you walk in the light in fellowship with God, He will bring every hidden sin in your life to light. Don’t keep on asking God for forgiveness over and over. It frustrates the hand of God in your life.

If we are saved, we don’t have to sin. We just have to walk in the light. Stop thinking sin and start thinking righteousness. We have become too sin conscious. If we walk in the Spirit, it will govern our lives and our actions. We sin when we choose to govern our lives.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is greater and far more glorious than the law. Being led by the Spirit produces greater glory. What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit? The ministry of the Holy Spirit:

– shows us how to live righteously in the earth
– reminds and reassures us that we are sons of God
– fosters right thinking
– reminds us of the things that Jesus has said to us
– equips and empowers us

The law tells us how to live while grace shows and enables us how to live. Grace imparts righteousness but the law demands righteousness that we could not fulfil. The law is not bad but it was insufficient to save us (Romans 7:7, 12). The law could not justify us, it was weak (Romans 8:2-4). It couldn’t save us but Jesus born under the law, died under the law to bring us back into right standing with God. The law covered the sinner but it could not take away the sin. The blood of lambs could not exonerate sin forever. It was only a temporary act.

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Only Jesus, the Lamb of God was able by His death to pay the penalty of sin for all mankind. He took our punishment forever. God judged the Lamb in our place. By His death, we are victorious!

Oh what a great salvation
The Saviour has wrought for you and me
By the shedding of His blood
By the laying down of His life.
The God man, clothed in frail humanity
Oh what grace was displayed that day on Calvary
Still sufficient two thousand years later for you and me.
How should we then neglect so great a gift.
The key of life eternal wrapped up in pure love unconditional.