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Teaching Notes

The Power of Faith (Pt.2) – Prophet Dwayne Howard

God will take the arrow of our enemies and turn them back upon the enemy’s camp. The same waters that rose up against us, the Lord is riding though those waters on our behalf (Habakkuk 3:10-15). Habakkuk trembled but he realized that God was not against him but for him. God is the One who sits on the throne and laughs at our enemies and we can laugh too (Psalms 2). He has done it, leading us into triumph. Rest and wait because it is finished. No weapon whether it is an arrow, sword or spear that is formed against us will prosper. Don’t lift up weapons but lift up your eyes to the hills and look to the Lord from whence cometh your help. We are covered by His shadow in the hidden place.

Christ has empowered us and called us to walk as He walked (1 John 2:6). When we say yes in that kairos moment, God qualifies and uses us. In Isaiah 6, Isaiah said yes to God. He had disqualified himself but Christ qualified him. He purged and purified his lips with the burning coal. Isaiah understood that it was not about him but about God. It is God who anoints and appoints. He was not the only one who said yes but others like Mary, the mother of Jesus also did (Luke 1:27-38).

We sometimes strive with our identity but all things have passed away and behold all things have become new. Look into the mirror of the Word and see your true self. Don’t take the grace of God in vain. It’s not about us but it’s about our yes. God can do things outside of us but He chooses to use us when we say yes.

Hebrews 11 is only the beginning and our story will be added when we choose to be gates and doors that the King of Glory can come into. Abraham, Noah, Enoch, David and others were mentioned in Hebrews 11 but we shouldn’t focus on the names but on the person of Jesus Christ. When we read, we should see Jesus as the hero of the story and not the men.

God is our Heavenly Father and He is a good daddy who loves His children and wants to give them good gifts. This is His delight. He rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

God’s grace works past our mental capacity to see. Allow God to anoint your eyes with eye salve so that you can see not only the natural but also the spiritual. There is a release for you to step out and run with all that God is saying to do. No matter the situation, we are able to say I can to do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). The serpent is still under our feet.

It is not about our works but it’s about His presence. Purpose is secondary to presence. Purpose is good but we must be presence driven. We must align ourselves with His presence. We must set our minds on things above and upon Jesus. Seek Him first and all things will come (Matthew 6:33). In order for the treasure chest to open up, our hearts must be in the right place.

Faith comes by hearing the rhema and agreeing with what God has said. By faith Abraham dwelt in the foreign land of promise when as yet he was not there (Hebrews 11:6). Even though Sarah was old, she was still able to bring forth a child. Don’t be limited by your age (Hebrews 11:11). Sarah laughed but God moved in the midst of her unbelief and redeemed her time and opportunity.

God will test us even as He tested Abraham, but we must still say yes (Hebrews 11:17-19). We can still bless and worship in the midst of our circumstances. When we bless God in the midst of our trouble, He gives us a staff to lean on (Hebrews 11:21). God will guide us in the right direction and also bring people into our lives that will work with and for us. God has angels who will work for us, but we are better and greater than angels. Man will also work with us, to help and support us. God will bring people to personally bless and support us, even those who we are not comfortable with, angels unaware.

For God to move powerfully in our lives, we must know that we are only stewards. It is not by our might or power but by His Spirit. We must walk in love (Galatians 5:6).