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We are called to be transformed. Jesus desires for us to be transformed. 1 John 2:6 “If any of us is in Christ let him walk as Christ would.” We have an opportunity to live a transformed life, what are we going to do for Him? It is by the work of Jesus, opening doors through His life here on earth and dying for us that we are now given an opportunity to live a life of transformation. Jesus has opened up a way for us. Today, thousands of years later we are still reaping the transformed life that Jesus lived. Jesus desires for us to function and live as He did. He is interceding on our behalf. The “Jesus” in us wants to break out of the box from our earthly personality. It does not matter what type of personality we have or what we have done, Jesus wants us to join in the transformation.

The first part of living a transformed life is for us to recognize who Jesus is. His desire is for our eyes to be opened to see Him as He is. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is the word of God. How many times have we stared into the Word and came out empty handed, without revelation? Even the disciples who spent a lot of time with Him could not understand how He could be sleeping in the midst of a storm. We have been given an opportunity but we are not walking in it, we are not activating it. Jesus awoke and demonstrated His power; He calmed the storm around them. We have been given this power too but we do not recognize it. Get into the Word! There is much to be learnt and to be revealed.

“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”  Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? John 14:7-9

Phillip was supposed to be walking in a place of intimacy with God and yet still he asked Jesus to show him the Father. Jesus said, “I have been with you all this time and yet you did not know me, recognize me?” Are you still searching for Jesus? Do you have an intimacy with God? In that scenario, Phillip was with Him for a very long time and yet did not know Him. The Lord wants to talk with us and reveal secret things to us. If we do not enquire and search for Him, these things will remain aloft to us. We have to show Jesus that we mean business, that we are reaching out and moving in His direction and eager to take that leap towards Him. If Phillip was connected to Him, he would have recognized Jesus for who He is. God promised that He would release revelation to the faithful. Jesus is not like man and will discard us when we come to him. Mary Magdelene received grace from her bondage and she was disciplined by Jesus to “go and sin no more”; after her release, she followed Jesus. There is something about the revelation of who God is that makes us want to follow Him. He does not have to demand this of us.

You may be sitting on unlocked ideas and unlocked potential right now. When you move, things fall into place. We have all been born with gifts on the inside and too many times we get stuck in a paralysis of analysis. We tend to analyze our ideas and decisions over and over, but what about our faith? Where is our faith in all this, or are we depending on the spirit of human wisdom to move? The manifestation of the Spirit has been given to all of us. There is something on the inside of us that causes us to move. We have a responsibility to use our God given gifts. Many people are stuck in a place where they see people getting ahead and they wonder “what about me?” Let us stop blaming others for what is happening around us. The spirit of doubt needs to be conquered. Don’t let the enemy tell you, doors will never be opened for you. At present, you may be walking connected with the true Messiah but yet something is wrong; you need a revelation. If we look at things in the flesh, we will miss our direction and answer. We need to know things according to the Spirit. When we look into the Spirit, we see our gifts, the treasures on the inside of our earthly vessels.

At times, we will encounter criticisms but with God, there is a message of hope. Break the spirit of unbelief over your life and open your eyes to know who you are. We live and breathe because of Jesus and His Word. God delights in showing us His Son and in transforming us into His image.

Jesus reassures us “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever thou shalt loose on earth will be loose in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). What reassurance we have! If we care to have that encounter with Jesus, if we want to operate in a transformed life, we need keys. A transformed life requires that we have keys to access that connection and closeness which God desires from us. The SON is the access, Jesus. If there is no relationship with the Son, there is no access to God. We serve the God of greater. If we get connected, He will reveal His heart to us. Are you wondering and anxious about the keys? You have to tap into the supernatural and get closer to Him. The key is the only answer, so get into that close relationship with God. The devil will frustrate and bait us at times, so beware. A heavenly relationship is the only access to the keys to unlock heaven. Revelation moves us from the place where we are to the place where we are supposed to be. We can change our circumstances. Elijah had the authority and power to change things and we also have the authority and power to transform and reform (1 Kings 18:41-46).

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

Whatever we ask, Jesus hears. Yes, you are probably asking “why am I in a place where I am struggling?” Get connected, that’s the answer. With connection comes supernatural abundance, not before. Walk in that intimacy with God. He provides and you will be fed. When you are connected with Him, you will be transformed. God’s #1 priority is not just to give us things but for us to know Him. The ‘Rhema’ word needs to be alive and active in us. When we tap in and spend time with the Lord and His word, we get direction and our keys are opened. More comes when we obey the revelation.

There are times when God comes and requires what we hold dear. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. God may be asking us to sacrifice. That sacrifice may be our SEED. God is hardly moved by something that costs us nothing. God is after is our obedience. Abraham responded to God and in the midst of it, God responded because of his obedience and provided a ram for sacrifice instead of Isaac.