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Teaching Notes

Living the Kingdom on Earth Pt. 2 – Apostle Stephen Holfold

September 1, 2013

Col. 3: 1-3 Our hearts must be set on Christ and on things above. Jesus lived by kingdom standards while on earth. He was focused not on earthly requirements, but on the requirements of heaven. His resolve was to please His Father in everything. Set your hearts on things in heaven.

Zeteo (Gr): To seek; to pursue; to go after with all your heart; to inquire into; to strive; to crave; to study and to seek in order to find.

The things in heaven are for us to have. They are not just to remain in heaven.

Matt. 6: 33 God has everything we need and He will never run out. There is no economy in heaven.

1 Cor.2:9 Eyes have not seen nor ears heard the things that are prepared for us. We can access these things. They are ours. Everything that we need to succeed is already ours.

2 Pet 1: 2 Everything has already been provided through the kingdom.

Eph.1: 3 We are already blessed by God with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

1 Cor 2: 9 – 12 It is now revealed to us by God’s Spirit. The Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God and reveals them to us so that we can understand what has been freely given to us.

2 Kings 6: 8- 17 Elijah and his servant both saw and heard in the spiritual realm.

Do not be bound to that which is fading away (earthly realities), but to that which is of increasing glory. We must pay more attention to our spirits than to our bodies. We must exercise our spirit and train it to see and hear.

1 Cor. 9:27 We must rule over self. Our will must not have a voice. When God speaks to us it is a command, but our natural self begins to reason and our will says that we cannot do what He requires. We must not fight the commands of God. We must not allow the physical to become dominant in our lives, but the spiritual. In this way, we are quick to be led by the Spirit of God.

We must discipline our bodies and our wills and bring them under subjection to the will and commands of God. For example, if God asks us to worship in a particular manner and we obey, it is not what happens to our physical body, but what happens in the realm of the spirit. Sometimes we miss out because we are too concerned about how we would look to others, but we are called to operate in a different realm where we do not reason things out. Command your will to get out of the way so that you can be filled with the things of heaven and cultivate heaven here on earth.

John 4:24, John 5: 30 Jesus, though He was here on earth, lived a heavenly life and had a heavenly perspective because of his obedience and submission to his Father. He did not allow self will to rule Him. He did not do what He felt like, but allowed Himself to be led by the Spirit.

John 12: 49-50 True kingdom living is pleasing the Father. Say only what He wants you to say. Jesus gave up all his will to please the Father.

Rom. 8:7 – 8 Our old nature is rebellious and antagonistic towards God. It hates to submit.

Matt.16:24 We must take up our cross and follow Jesus.

We must live on earth, but also in heaven. We must go after God. When we do, we become a threat to the enemy. We must make a choice to embrace and cultivate the culture of heaven. It must dominate our lives. Heaven has everything that we need to live victorious lives.