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Teaching Notes

Living According To Heaven – Apostle Stephen Holford

In order to be effective, we have to live by Heaven’s standard and not by that of the world. Isaiah lived according to Heaven as did Ezekiel whose eyes were open to powerful moves of the Holy Spirit, and we are no exception. We continue the lifestyles of the prophets and we will be greater than they were, for the early church was just the beginning. God is raising up a people who will refuse to live by religious codes, for if we want to truly encounter God, we have to break away from religiosity and traditions. This year we will see a breaking off, and the things that held us back will be broken off and religion is one of those things.

In speaking of heaven, one is speaking of godliness, righteousness and holiness, so when one speaks of living according to Heaven, one is speaking of these things. If we walk with God, we will walk with a strong sense of discernment and we will know the voice of God. So in speaking about heaven, one is speaking of walking close with God, of Him sharing His secrets with us, of Heaven having everything that we need to be effective in this world system. We are to bring Heaven to our lives.

Isaiah saw a vision of God. That one vision of God high and lifted up changed his life. One encounter with God will change your life forever. God wants us to long for Him. When we put things into perspective, we realize that everything God does for us is better. Heaven is not just a place, it is a way of living, it is eternal. So when you embrace heaven, you embrace eternal things. Heaven changes our behaviour and changes the order of things on earth.

“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Heaven holds the blueprint for successful living. If you want to be truly successful and prosperous, live according to Heaven and live everyday in obedience to what God says. This entails allowing the Holy Spirit to direct every aspect of how you live. There is no guarantee that 2015 will be better than 2014, so will we be scared if the economy gets worse? We cannot live by the world’s pattern, but according to what Heaven says. We should not consider what is seen with our natural eyes, but instead focus on that which is unseen.

I do not have to wait until I die and get to Heaven to see God or what Heaven is like. If we begin to go after God and He allows us to see and hear the sound of Heaven, we would be astounded. Jesus did not just die for us to come to church once a week, but for us to change the order of things in Heaven and to impact the earth. If you are saved, you cannot be ordinary.

For New Dimensions, 2015 is going to be a great year, not because things are going to get better in the world or because we will go through this world without trials, but because of the things we achieve for God. Our relationship with God will be deeper. You can go through the year without any money and still be successful, because Heaven’s standards are not about wealth. You can go through this year without a job and still be successful, because God will take care of you. We are still locked into the physical, the material, the temporary; we still think that if we have no money we cannot pay our bills or our mortgage. If you walk close to God, you will be provided for. As Jesus Himself said: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:31 says “Therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear?” But seek first God’s kingdom and Heaven will take care of the material things that you need. Knowing that God will take care of you comes from knowing Him with your heart not just in your head. A man or woman who lives by Heaven, lives by faith and not by worry.

Jesus lived by heavenly dictates in spite of all the temptations thrown His way. His full satisfaction came from what God offered, not what the devil offered. He had to be connected with God in order to demonstrate heaven and He had to allow heaven to impact His life, so He could impact the earth. He did not do or go where He felt like, He was led by God’s Spirit. He had to be connected to His Father, spending time in prayer alone. He was focused on what God wanted, not what He wanted.

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” John 4:34

John 5:19 says “The Son can do nothing by himself.” Jesus actually had a choice and could have made His own decision, but He submitted His will to the Father to the point where He had no will of His own (John 5:30). Jesus did not live for people or their accolades or compliments in order to feel good. Thus when the man said he would follow Him, He was not flattered, He told Him to go and sell everything he had first. It is not what the majority says that should propel us, but what God’s Word says. Find out what Heaven is saying. Jesus did not say what He wanted to say but He said the words of the Father (John 12:49-50).

Matthew 26:39 says “yet not as I will, but as You will.” Jesus was saying that He wanted to live according to Heaven. This is an example of a life fully surrendered to God. To live according to Heaven means that we die daily to sin and to self. So we must not give our will a voice (1 Corinthians 9:27). We must allow the Holy Spirit to govern our lives daily, as this is the only way that we can be successful. Jesus knew exactly what His mission was and knew that part of His mission was demonstrating Heaven on earth, so He spent much time in the Father’s presence. Any man or woman who wants to wholeheartedly go after God, must make sacrifices. Sometimes, Jesus left His disciples behind to commune with God. A lot of our most powerful times will be spent alone with God.

We will come to a place in Jesus where nothing is too difficult for us to do, where we will understand that we have a personal mandate from Heaven to fulfil. Indeed, living according to Heaven, involves living in the anointing, so that you have the power even to heal others with out a lot of preparation.