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Teaching Notes

Destiny Calls You – Minister Sonia Johnson

Walking in Purpose Series

Destiny calls you. God calls men and women as deliverers in the earth. There is a call going out to us this week to walk in purpose for destiny calls.

God shows us that purpose and destiny are all a part of His agenda and His will (Proverbs 19:21, John 6:38). Destiny drives purpose and purpose drives action. It is God who determines our purpose. We just have to be in the right place at the right time in the right season for purpose to be fulfilled.

Every part of creation has a purpose (Job 38, Psalm 19: 4-5). We are God’s crown and glory (Ephesians 2:10). In Psalm 139:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:4-5, we see that we were sanctified before we were even born by God to fulfil purpose. We must ask God for a peep into His book. We must ask Him to reveal aspects of our purpose so that we can be purposeful about our lives and not waste it.

Destiny is calling us to live who we are. Stop living other people’s lives. Don’t crave after another man’s assignment and calling! God is saying to us today to stop craving other people’s assignments and callings. He is saying to find out what I have created you to do and do it. Destiny is what we are programmed to be and purpose is our ordained contribution to the earth. Just like Esther, we are ordained by God to fulfil our unique purpose at a specific time in the earth (Esther 4:14-16). We are valuable and not inferior to anyone. Stop seeing yourself as a failure that is sick, weak and poor. Rise up like Esther and fulfil your purpose and destiny. We too are called to the earth for such a time as this.

Finding our place and purpose in this hour is crucial. We have a written vision in God’s book. We must have a desire to accomplish purpose in this life. God has already given us everything we need in this life to fulfil purpose (2 Peter 1:3). Find out what is hindering your purpose and deal with it as a matter of urgency. Destiny must be fulfilled when it isn’t, it becomes a tragic story.

To walk in purpose requires a healthy spiritual environment. If the atmosphere around your environment is laziness, sloth and procrastination, we will fall in love with our beds and not Jesus. If our atmosphere is sinful, it leads to death and purpose is delayed or taken back. If the atmosphere in New Dimensions Ministries demands that each of us fulfil purpose and we do not, then the mandate and the mission statement of this house will judge us. Reread the mandate and the mission statement of this house and see if you are fulfilling purpose according to the vision of your leaders.

This is not the time to be selfish but we must look out for others so that they too can fulfil purpose. Are you on the road to purpose? Why not? What do you need to do or change? Is there a recurring sin, a strong hold that needs to be dismantled? What habits do you need to let go of and what new ones do you need to create? Spend time listening to God because He is the only One who knows your true purpose and destiny.

Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). What is God’s vision for your life and others? “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it …” – Habakkuk 2:2-3 Write a vision for yourself, seek God for revelation and wisdom and ask Him questions about your life.

What is vision? Vision is seeing the future. It is the doorway to purpose. It forces us into purpose. It generates incredible hope. It provides assurance. It leads to the mark of greatness. Vision will fuel energy and passion. If our vision is blocked, we can be taken captive by the enemy and our purpose can be aborted. It is the nature of a vision to attract opposition. It is the fuel for our purpose.

No man will be able to stop our destiny. As Joseph fulfilled his purpose and destiny the Word of the Lord tried him. Ask God for a spirit of excellence as you fulfil your purpose and destiny. Joseph had an excellent spirit in everything that he did and the hand of the Lord was upon him. As you move forward in destiny and purpose, your attitude will determine your altitude. Destiny can be altered by attitudes. Always make sure that like Joseph, you carry the right attitude as you walk out your purpose and destiny.

Study the Elisha principle in 1 Kings 19. Elisha grabbed hold of his purpose and destiny when it was calling. He left everything to follow the man of God, Elijah. He served him faithfully as a servant and as a son and was rewarded with the double portion of Elijah’s anointing as Elijah was taken up into heaven.

Your vision will alert you when destiny comes calling. Do not miss the day of your visitation. Be alert, be prepared!