25th April 2014 – Evening Session
There is a diamond anointing upon the island of Barbados.
After Jesus’ resurrection, He walked and talked with two disciples and opened up the scriptures to them on the road to Emmaus where He began with Moses and the prophets and all the things in scriptures concerning Him seen in Luke 24:13-27.
Many times, Jesus will give revelation us to see what we will do with it. When Jesus broke the bread with His disciples, their eyes were opened and they recognized him and they remarked to each other how their hearts burned within them as He spoke to them concerning Himself. God is about to open up the scriptures from Genesis to Revelations.
Jesus went to the cross, suffered and died for our sins. That was His passion. We must first have the passion of Jesus before we can have a passion for Jesus. Christianity begins, continues and ends with letting Jesus serve you and letting Him wash your feet. He loves us and we will never graduate from that.
We have received something that we can never repay or work for. God is the initiator of love and we are the responders. His love is a fire. We were unable to do anything to save ourselves but He did everything.
Jesus is the ladder that connects Heaven to earth. Psalms 45 is where God brags about His Son, Jesus who is Heaven’s delight. People are going to be obsessed with the Lamb of God. We will live with desire and passion for him. Jesus wants to become our number one source of entertainment. His desire is going to burn up every other desire. Let John 17:26 be tattooed on your spirit, God’s love for God and we are caught up in the middle. We are caught up in the fellowship.
Read the Word and start with Genesis. Ask God to tenderize your heart and let Him lead you though the scriptures. Our inheritance is to have deep revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1). This is what He died for, what He gave up His spirit for.
None of us are disqualified. He can turn the world upside down with anyone. Take scriptures and read them back to Jesus and just be with Him. You don’t need degrees or any type of qualifications because He will qualify you.
In Revelations 1:12, John turned to see the voice that was speaking to him and on turning he saw. It’s time for a turning! The voice of God is sounding and He is requiring a turning.