It was sometime in 1996 while Apostle Stephen Holford was serving at another church as pastor, that he felt the strong call of the Lord to pioneer a new work. Several prophetic words from international 5-fold leaders, who had no prior knowledge of himself, also confirmed the stirring that the Lord had begun in his heart.
From July 25th, 1999 to the Present
After spending much time in prayer and fasting, Apostle tendered his resignation in May 1998, but did not leave the church until a year later. Then in May 1999, with the blessing of the presbytery, Apostle and his wife, Pastor Sandra, ventured out under the direction of the Holy Spirit to establish New Dimensions Ministries. Before establishing the new work, Apostle, Pastor and some saints who were sent out by Apostle’s former church to help him, met twice per week for prayer and worship. Their main purpose was to prepare themselves for what God was to accomplish through them and through those who would attend New Dimensions. Many nights before the initial launch was to occur, during these times of seeking the Lord, God spoke to Apostle, giving him tremendous clarity to the vision and all the information that made up New Dimensions first ever brochure. This occurred at 2:00AM in the morning.
On December 19th, 1999, 110 persons became the first new partners of New Dimensions Ministries.
On that same day, Apostle and Pastor Sandra dedicated the first elders of New Dimensions: Harriet Small, Clifford Drakes and Lendel Newton. The ministry continued to grow as God added to the church, and over the next two years in the year 2001, Leroy Daisley joined the church.
In 2003, he was appointed as an elder, preceding the departure of Lendel in 2004. In 2012, Prophet Dwayne Howard was also appointed as an elder, preceding the departure of Leroy one month later. Following in July 2016, Elder Clifford Drakes has relocated to Canada with his family, as he continues his journey furthering his studies at Bible School.
In 2018, two years after the departure of the Drakes, Evangelist Allan Howard was appointed as an elder in the ministry. Subsequently, Prophet Dwayne Howard and family were called to pastoral ministry in Florida, USA and relocated in July of the same year.
New Dimensions Ministries continues to be used of God to transform lives and help many discover their purpose.

Our Logo & Colors
The Logo comprises the ‘ND’, the acronym for ‘New Dimensions’, the eagle’s wings and the colours royal blue and fuchsia. Each stroke of the letters was designed with pinpoint accuracy as is illustrated by a broad beginning stretching to a sharp cutting edge. This shows a broad-based approach to ministry, yet maintaining accuracy and precision in vision, function and ministry. The ‘N’ and the ‘D’ are fused together as a symbol of oneness in mind and purpose toward accomplishing our mission. The eagle’s wings, a representation of the eagle, ‘the champion bird’, were chosen because of its acute vision and broad strong wings. Its strength gives it the ability to each heights no other bird can reach. The open wings represent the open Word and symbolize our apostolic ministry that is geared to bring about change in people’s lives. They also illustrate a bird in flight, which speaks of a church that is already active in pursuing God and His purposes. The contrasting colours of royal blue and fuchsia are a brilliant representation of fusing some mature elements with the modern changing times. The blue, often used as the main colour in well-established churches, represents not only mature Christians who have joined us, but also the advanced outlook of the ministry. The fuchsia, a modern colour represents the youthfulness of the church – its newness, its many young people and its new believers. The fusion of the two colours represents our willingness to bridge the gap, using both established and ultra-modern methods to win the lost to Christ.