Why the prophetic?
At New Dimensions Ministries, we believe that God still heals today and that as outlined in Mark 16:18, every believer has been given the power to “lay hands on the sick and see them recover”. We also stand on the truth of James 5:15, that the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. We have seen the saints activated in our ministry, and whether inside or outside the four walls of the church, the Lord is healing many and testimonies are pouring in as believers rise up, demonstrating the Kingdom in their atmosphere.
If you are suffering with any ailment, from the unbearable migraine to the most personal or persistent disease, and would like faith-filled, powerful prayer, we would be happy to agree with you for healing. Please fill in the form below and your condition will be prayed for by one of our intercessors. As the Lord touches your body, please feel free to come back to this page and share how the Lord has touched you, in our testimony submission area below.

As God has given us the privilege of developing this strong arm in our ministry, we want to extend it to you. Our purpose for doing so, is that both citizens and non-citizens of the Kingdom, who may or may not have legitimate access to this type of ministry within their present locality, can have access to this aspect of ministry without any distortion, financial requirement or obligation.
If you wish to go ahead and sign up, please enter your details in our submission form and click submit. We are looking forward to serving you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay for my prophetic word?
No. We do not charge for receiving prophetic ministry. However, this free offer does not negate the biblical principle and pattern of honor, nor the proper protocol and practice outlined in Scripture for approaching and requesting ministry from prophets. Abuse by greedy or carnally motivated individuals who call themselves “prophets”, and seek to peddle their trade and prostitute their gift for personal profit and enrichment is no reason to disregard or fail to adhere to God’s prescribed pattern which is able to unlock the full power and potential of the prophetic decree. However, we should understand that God designed that this principle be practiced within the context of faith and individual responsibility, not a legalistic requirement or obligation. In other words, we as a prophetic company have no right to demand such honor, just as you, being the recipient of prophetic ministry, have no right to deny or refuse it. Whether you choose to give or not give is a matter between you and God and will in no way determine whether or not you actually receive prophetic ministry.
What format is used in sending my prophetic word to me?
Please download and refer to our guidelines form.
Can I submit feedback concerning the ministry I received?
Yes, one of our requirements is that you download and fill out the feedback form. When you have finished edit the file, save it, and upload it by using our upload feature to the right of the screen in the sidebar on this page. You can also email the feedback to us at propheticministry@ndmonline.org, if the upload doesn’t work for you.
How often can I receive prophetic ministry?
Once you have received prophetic ministry from us, we ask that you wait up to six (6) months before you come and receive again. We are in no way here to rob Jesus of His Bride! Like John the Baptist, we are friends of the Bridegroom, and our responsibility is to usher you closer to Him, not to us. We will never function in such a way as to replace your responsibility to commune with the Lord privately, seeking Him for yourself.