Be healed
in Jesus’ Name
At New Dimensions Ministries, we believe that God still heals today and that as outlined in Mark 16:18, every believer has been given the power to “lay hands on the sick and see them recover”. We also stand on the truth of James 5:15, that the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. We have seen the saints activated in our ministry, and whether inside or outside the four walls of the church, the Lord is healing many and testimonies are pouring in as believers rise up, demonstrating the Kingdom in their atmosphere.

If you are suffering with any ailment, from the unbearable migraine to the most personal or persistent disease, and would like faith-filled, powerful prayer, we would be happy to agree with you for healing. Please fill in the form below and your condition will be prayed for by one of our intercessors. As the Lord touches your body, please feel free to come back to this page and share how the Lord has touched you, in our testimony submission area below.