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Teaching Notes

Harp and Bowl Worship (Pt. 2) – Prophet Dwayne Howard

Rev 5:6-11 and Isaiah 46:8-11 speaks of God’s greatness and the twenty-four hour worship in Heaven. Today, God is raising back up the tabernacle of David with twenty-four hour worship (Amos 9:11-12).

Holy, holy, holy means different, different, different. God is always doing something new. In this season God will take us on His holy mountain and we will sing with joy. There is no boredom in heaven, worship should always be fresh and exciting.

God is establishing twenty-four hour houses of prayer and worship all over the earth. In the Philippines, there were three such houses of prayer that were not affected by the recent typhoon. God is raising back up the tabernacle of David and we will possess the remnant of Edom. Edom is modern day Jordan which is a Muslim territory. God will establish His mountain in the earth (Isaiah 2:2). Today there is a house of prayer on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem which is in the center of the earth.

In Malachi 1:11, we seen that God is making His name great in the earth but He wants us to keep on knocking at His door (Isaiah 62:6-7).

We must create the pattern of Heaven in the earth which is twenty-four hour worship and prayers. The Muslims pray five times a day and are very self sacrificial and extremely zealous to preserve what they believe in. This is to the point of imprisoning, torturing and killing Christians who openly confess Christianity including those who have been converted from Islam to Christianity. We must worship and intercede God’s way (Revelations 5:1-14). God’s way is for structure and spontaneity to work together in harmony, a fusion of the two.

The Components of Harp and Bowl Worship

1) The Word

Jesus is the central motivator. It is the Word of God that moves the heart which is the foundation (John1:1). Our desire must be for the Word, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6). It is important to have an understanding of the Word because it makes it easier to launch from the theme that the Lord is using (Colossians 3:16). It is also the rhema word also known as the prophetic or preached word that we should continue in (Acts 2:42). In 2 Chronicles 29:30, they sang the words of David and Asaph. When you receive the Apostle’s teaching, ask God to open your eyes and to give you more. We can be disciplined by the very songs that we write.

2) Team Ministry

A clear communication line is needed which would facilitate a bold and a confident flow. There should also be a general signal and guiding statements among the team. For example: father to son, son to father, leader to team, team to leader, weak to strong and strong to weak.

This is not only those on the platform but for everyone. Everyone with skilled hands, trained minds and an emotional constraint is needed. Within the harp and bowl model, there are no star boys. Everyone works together which brings forth unity and a natural flow which is birthed out of a desire to give God pleasure.

3) Song Selection

a) There are songs to God that speak to Him and not just about Him.

b) Less concert type songs should be sung but songs that are more conducive which includes the congregation.

c) Songs with a dominant melody line

d) Songs in present truth (2 Peter 1:12)

e) Spontaneous choruses which allow for the participation of the congregation to sing the same theme.

f) Prophetic oracles are the releasing of the mind of God. Corporate prophecies should be no more than 2-3 minutes in a 90 minute period unless otherwise directed. The prophesier is held accountable to the person who is leading the service and should follow the directives. We must represent God as His oracle in the earth. Prophesies should edify, comfort and exhort. It should not correct and this is left for the spiritual authority over the church. One should not give background to the word they are giving but should just release it. No one needs to know how or when you received the word. These words should be given in the first person.

4) Musical Scales

This is where the musicians play the instruments and there is no singing or speaking. When this happens:

– Deliverance comes. This is seen in 1 Samuel 16:23 as King Saul was delivered from the evil spirit when David played the harp.

– There is a release of vision and power. In 2 Kings 3:15, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha as the harpist played.

– Judgment is executed (Revelations 8:13, Psalms 149)

-We bring in the great harvest (Amos 9:11- 12).

God is doing something new and we must get with it!