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Teaching Notes

The Word of the Lord for 2015 – Apostle Stephen Holford

“The people of God need to live according to heaven and not according to earth.” Too many of us are focusing on what is going on around us and taking the queue from the world. We need to focus on the eternal rather than the temporary (2 Corinthians 4:18). We are all children of God and are called to do His will. If we live and walk according to heaven, we will see miracles everyday and we would be prosperous. We will see financial miracles in our lives and we will find rest in Him. The church will not be begging but would be supplying. God is rich in heaven and if we live according to His Word, we also will be rich. We must live from the perspective of heaven and not earth. Heaven has good plans for us.

1. Living According To Heaven

Heaven can change the way we view things and it can change our behaviour. We should not be living by the drum beat of this world, we need to live by the Spirit. We have to go according to the sound of Heaven. God is able to save us, keep us and provide for us. We should not be serving God for what He does for us but for what He did for us. Our dependency should not be on the government or employers. Don’t be afraid of what tomorrow brings because our lives are in God’s hands. We must not be afraid of the economic crisis, we must not become weak because of man’s forecast. We live by the standards and the lifestyle of Heaven. “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. “His loving kindness is better than life.”

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:1-7

God is our refuge and strength and everything that He has for us we will not be afraid of. There is a source and a release that does not come from this world. When we speak of the river, we speak of life and productivity. There is a river being released in 2015 that will make the people of God glad. We need to tap into heaven, our true source and we will be glad. Trials and hardships will come but we will be glad. God will help the church just at the break of dawn.

When we live according to heaven:
– God will take care of us.
– We will live above every economic situation.
– Our language and mindset change. It is not good enough for the people of God to speak worldly language because worldly people look at the    things that are seen but the things that are not seen are eternal.
– Our priorities change and we become closer to God.
– The Holy Spirit will lead us everyday.
– We will impact the earth.
– We will not worry.

2. Creating An Atmosphere For The Manifest Presence of God

When the presence of God is manifested in our lives, that is when the glory will come. God wants His presence to fill us to the point that our presence becomes His presence. We need to go after God in 2015 like never before. When His presence invades our lives, our personal and corporate worship will go to a new dimension. We need to come to a place like Moses who wanted to see God’s glory. When we create an atmosphere for the manifest presence of God a lot of things will change in our lives. We will be called upon in 2015 to live in the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91). God is about to change our season. A shift has taken place and we can no longer see what others see but we have to see the eternal. The things that were holding us down have been broken. This is our season! The things that God will do in us and through us, will surprise us. God is not doing normal things because He is not normal. He is going to shake our lives with His glory and take us to a higher place in Him. Greater grace will rest upon us and we will see miracles. God will give us eyes to see and ears to hear Him clearly and He will give us dreams, visions and spiritual experiences.
Make these declarations over your life today:
– I will live out heaven’s mandate.
– I will live by heaven’s standards and not the world standards.
– I will live out heaven’s purposes in the earth.
– I will carry heaven’s atmosphere where ever I go.
– I will live by what heaven releases to me.
– I no longer will be normal.
– I will have an incredible financial breakthrough.
– Everything that held me back is broken.
– I am bold and strong because God is with me.
– I am blessed and highly favoured.
– I will be successful.
This is a God given moment of destiny in our lives. We have stepped into a great year with God’s unusual favour where the flood gates of heaven will be opened over us. There will be a canopy of God’s glory over us in this year. This is a new beginning where God will use us like never before.