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Teaching Notes

Walking In Purpose – Elder Harriet Small

In order for us to walk in purpose, we have to walk in obedience. When we do this, there is no place for us to sin. We are called to walk in the life that Christ Jesus has given us (Ephesians 2:1-10). Our love for God should propel us to walk in obedience. Our good works can only come from our love for God.

God is the creator and He does not waste time. As a believer, we should never be saying the phrase ‘I’m just killing time’ but we have to be careful what words we say. We have been born with a purpose and every day that we waste, we are killing a portion of that purpose. We must recognize the value and the potential of time. Our purpose for being at church is not about thinking about what we will be doing later in the day. Time has been entrusted to us as a meaningful gift which is to be treasured and appreciated. It is not to be wasted. We must avoid wasting our lives and wasting time. How much of our time goes towards the kingdom of God?

Sometimes when life happens, it is our greatest opportunity to gain strength and experience. It is for us to see God’s power in our lives like we have never seen it before which connects us with our purpose. Purpose is revealed as we seek God with all of our hearts (Jeremiah 29:11-13). We never want to get into a place where we are so far from God, that we cannot hear the Holy Spirit. God is committed to the good works that we are called to walk in and that we are called to fulfil.

This day may be our last day and we must see it as a day that God has given us to walk in purpose. Whatever we do, we have to examine our day and see how meaningful it is to us. When we think that there is no tomorrow promised for us, we have a responsibility to live out the present day.

We can make all the plans that we want but it is God’s plans that will stand (Proverbs 19:21). What is God’s purpose for our lives? Why are we here? If we believe that God has plans for us, in the difficult situations we would ask the question God what is your plan in all of this? What is your purpose for my life?

We are on the earth to advance the kingdom of God. We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18, 20). An ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank who is sent from one state to another to be the resident representative. We are sent from heaven to be the highest ranking diplomat in the earth. When earthly ambassadors do not fulfil their role, they are sent home. Are we functioning as ambassadors for Christ? Our mandate as an ambassador is tied to the ministry of reconciliation.

What are the gifts within you? What is our corporate vision as well as our personal vision? Our mission as a church is to teach, to equip and to impact our world. How can we impact our world? We need to have a vision for our lives which comes from our relationship with God. We need to know where we want to go.

Our purpose was already placed on the inside of us just like Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5). But if we are not in the place that we should be, we will not know our purpose. Are we taking the kingdom of God where we go? Can people see the kingdom of God in us? We have to ask God what we were sanctified to do before we were born.

God looks at all of the people who dwell on the earth and fashions their hearts individually (Psalm 33:13-15). We were created in God’s image. We are not a part of a mould.

When we show up, we bring us. We bring our individual personalities that all work together to achieve the perfect plan. We all have a purpose. The sun, the moon and all of creation has a purpose. We have to complete this purpose while we are alive, that is why we cannot kill time.We have to see ourselves as individuals. Our personalities can be tarnished by what we go through but when we come to Christ, we have to allow Him to clean us up and make things right. It is not about our family or friends but it is about what God has called us to do.

We have a unique purpose that God has design for us. Our purpose is not about us but it is about what God wants to do through us. We were created to carry out a unique work in the earth. It was God’s intent that from the womb, our lives would be going towards our purpose. Jesus understood His purpose for being on the earth even when He was going through the garden of Gethsemane. We have a responsibility to live for our creator as well as to live in Him. We belong to God. When we are still alive, we have to do what we were called to do (Romans 14:7-8).

God measures our success by what we have done with what we have been given. Sometimes we think that we have not been given anything but we have. We must use what we have been given and not hide it (Matthew 25:14-30). Are you hiding your talent?

God has a perfect knowledge about us and He sees us wherever we are (Psalm 139:1-17). God individually created each one of us for a purpose. God knew us from the womb and He took His time to craft and to fashion us. We are not a mistake that was thrown together. God is intentional about us and about human life. We are not just here on the earth to take up space but we each have a purpose. God is still working on us because He wants to take us from glory to glory.

Why then do we treat each other the way we do? How can we be jealous of another’s gift? Are we saying to God that we don’t like the gifts that He has given us? How can we identify our purpose if we have these types of mind-sets?

We need to see ourselves as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12). It is important for the body to be in harmony with each other and to work together. When the body comes together, we urge each other to come into good works (Hebrews 10:24). Do we want the body of Christ to be dysfunctional? It is dysfunctional when we do not play our part.

We have to place high value on people and not take them for granted. We need to see the best in others. We have to treat each other as a part of our body. We also need to encourage each other to fulfil their purpose. Sometimes people see our purpose and push us into it. We need to be with people who understand purpose and who are carrying purpose. That is the environment that will nurture what we are carrying.

It is necessary for us to express appreciation towards each other. When we do this, we praise God for the gift that God has placed within that person. When was the last time that we said thank you to someone for their unique personality?

When we know our purpose, it will bring peace (Isaiah 26:3). Purpose challenges us to seek God because we need Him in order for us to fully operate in our purpose. God is the Jireh of purpose. Our purpose reveals the reason for our existent. Revealed purpose is like a light bulb moment. Purpose is not stagnant but it is from glory to glory. It puts our challenges in perspective. When we are in purpose, it doesn’t mean that everything is going to be fine and dandy but through purpose, we are motivated to continue in this life. It gives us hope and it eliminates disillusionment. When we are walking in purpose, we do not accommodate depression. Purpose is not driven by the approval of men but it will always think about others. It will cause you to walk by faith.

Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ[c] depart from iniquity.” But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 2 Timothy 2:19-21

The ultimate tragedy in our lives is aborting our purpose.